Ready for a smart bathroom? – Get to know wellness on a whole new level

February 26, 2021


It all started with a simple chat on our website Helena from Rhode Island in the United States wanted to know more about our smart mirrors. She was surfing the internet looking for a new mirror for her bathroom and stumbled on smart mirrors. She started her research, went on YouTube and found Mues-Tec.

An exciting journey begins

Since Helena claims herself as a huge technology fan and already owns smart devices from well-known companies such as Apple, she was fascinated how innovative Smart Mirrors are. Quickly she realized which great benefits a magic mirror brings to your personal wellness area at home.

What started as an usual customer relationship quickly turned in some kind of friendship. In several messages and calls Helena and I talked about her great and exciting ideas for the renovation of her bathroom. Together we decided on the perfect smart mirror addition. One that would not only perfectly integrate in her interior and bathroom style but also offer a tangible added value to her daily life.

Now after installing the smart home highlight in her personal wellness area at home, Helena enjoys the efficiency and big range of smart functions. She loves that she can watch the news as she gets ready, listen to Spotify, read her emails, or watch TV while relaxing and soaking in the bathtub. Furthermore, the smart mirror allows her to check the weather while simply brushing her teeth in the morning or watch her weight for a better health.

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